Monday, February 15th, 2021


Worcestershire CCC paceman Charlie Morris is determined to make the most of every last drop of talent he possesses before he eventually hangs up his spikes.

Morris, approaching his eighth season since making his County debut, wants to “get better and better with each training session.”

It is the kind of attitude and focus that led to Head Coach Alex Gidman describing Morris as “the ultimate pro” when he signed a contract extension during the autumn until the end of the 2022 campaign.

The Hereford-born Morris has enjoyed two successful years after recovering from a challenging spell in his career. His 14 wickets in three games helped Worcestershire in their successful 2020 Bob Willis Trophy campaign.

Morris said: “You get one shot in life and you’ve got to make the most of it.

“The main thing I focus on is trying to be the best player I can be every day. If I have a long career for Worcestershire, then I will be more than proud, and I can walk away with my head held high whenever my career finishes knowing I got the most out of what I could achieve.

“That is the most important thing to focus on and what I try to do every day.

“I take my fitness seriously and try and work out what I need to do to get better and better each year.

“That is something I’m still very much focused on, hoping I will be able to put in a good block of work this winter which will hold me in good stead going into the new season.

“What Alex (Gidman) said is very kind, but I try not to focus on statements like that as it can breed complacency.

“I’ve got to keep focused on getting better and better each training session, and hopefully that will result in some positive results for the club – personally and as a collective.”

Morris will forever be indebted to the support from the County he has received during the different stages of his career.

He said: “The changing room and the club have been so supportive over my cricketing journey so far. That is one of the most extraordinary things about Worcestershire as a club, the support they give everyone, not just me.

“All players go through highs and lows in their career, and we try to support each other to help push on and get back into form”.

“It’s been quite a journey, but I want to keep focusing on what I can do now to better myself.

“As you get older and you play more cricket, you gain experience and understanding, and that helps you to appreciate your career a lot more.

“It is easy to be happy and take everything in your stride when things are going well.

“When the wheels come off, and you’re up against it, and going through one of those inevitable low patches that every professional face, that is where you learn to appreciate what you have. I never take anything for granted with my career.

“I have always appreciated what being a professional cricketer gives me. At the same time a few years back was a real grounding moment and I now more than ever try to savour every second, minute and month so that it helps me focus on getting better and better each day.

Morris was delighted to put pen to paper on another two years at New Road.

He said: “I was delighted and grateful given the current situation in cricket to have signed a contract extension.

“I’m very appreciative and grateful for this extension as I know it has been a tough year for everyone involved in cricket and beyond.

“To have some security and to be with Worcestershire for another two years is excellent. To say I will be 30 when my current extension runs out is something I never thought I’d be able to say, that I would be a professional cricketer until I’m at least 30 years of age.

“That’s something I’m very proud to be in reach of achieving, and I’m very excited for what the next two years, and hopefully beyond, will have in store for us.

“I don’t look too far ahead. Professional sport is hard, and things can change quite quickly whether that is an injury or anything, but I hope for many more years I will be able to wear the Worcestershire cap and give my all for this fantastic club.”