Rule 19.4 calls for application forms for Members seeking election to the Board* to be available from the first week in August until a closing date of the first working day of December. Given that this timeframe was one of the changes contained in the re-write of Rules approved by FCA in 2019, it is accepted that this may not be generally known. Accordingly, in this instance, the deadline for applications is extended until 5th January 2022.
In order to be eligible to be considered by the Nominations Committee**, an application form should first be obtained from the Company Secretary, Sarah Gluyas, on or ring 01905 748474. This should be fully completed by the applicant and should include a biography and a personal statement outlining what skills and experience the candidate would bring to the Board. It should be signed by that Member and not less than three Members eligible to vote (excluding the applicant and any serving Board Member) by way of support of the candidacy of the applicant.
No application received after the extended closing date above will be considered by the Nominations Committee.
*The Board is comprised of six Elected Members and no more than three Appointed by the Board.
** The Nominations Committee, at present, comprises of:
– Andrew Manning-Cox as a representative of the Board
– David Broughall as a representative of Vice-Presidents
– Andrew Jenkins as a representative of the Supporters Association
– Sarah Gluyas as Company Secretary