Wednesday, November 2nd, 2022


Club Captain Brett D’Oliveira is looking forward to the start of preparations for a new era under Head Coach Alan Richardson when Worcestershire begin their winter training programme at Malvern on November 14.

Richardson and new Assistant Head Coach, Kadeer Ali, will put the players through their paces at the beginning of the countdown for the 2023 season after a six-week break to recharge their batteries.

The winter programme will extend right through until pre-season friendlies, which traditionally get underway during the latter part of March.

D’Oliveira said: “The winter programme is really, really important, and it is a key part of everyone getting their fitness and getting back into cricket.

“We will be there from mid-November to March, and it’s very important for everyone to get up to speed.

“Before Christmas, there is a lot of work with strengthening and conditioning, and then in the New Year, it gets a bit more intense and competitive, building up towards the new season with bowlers bowling to batters.

“October is a weird time. You are altogether pre-season and the season, and then we have a break, but it will be good to get the group back together.

“I would encourage any of the guys to get away if they can and play during the winter.

“But, for those staying behind, it will be nice to have a small group that can do plenty of work.”

Richardson and Kadeer were announced in their new roles on Monday.

D’Oliveira said: “I’m delighted for Alan and Kadeer. It is something I think they will take to quite easily.

“There will be challenges ahead, but it will also be exciting to work alongside them.

“They know how each other works, have done it already in the Royal London Cup, and they will complement each other.”