Thursday, November 3rd, 2022


Kadeer Ali believes he is “ready to take the next step” after being appointed as Worcestershire’s Assistant Head Coach, and he is relishing the opportunity to renew the partnership with new Head Coach Alan Richardson.

Kadeer has a decade behind him of various coaching roles after the end of his lengthy playing career and is relishing the new chapter in his career.

He said: “I’m so looking forward to this opportunity. I’m really excited and want to thank the club for giving me the opportunity.

“I’ve done a little bit of work with Alan already, a couple of years working closely with the Royal London Cup.

“That experience will stand me in good stead. I’ve known Alan for a long time ago, having played against him for many years and then having a little bit of work away from this environment as well.

“I’ve loved my time working with Alan and looking forward already to this winter and next season. I’ve got a good ten years of coaching at different levels behind me.

“After my playing days, I went and coached for my father’s Academy to start with and did a lot of work at Warwickshire, so I really started off with the grassroots.

“I’ve worked with different people from different backgrounds and now, coming into this environment at Worcestershire for three years, has been absolutely amazing.

“I’ve got a lot of experience, and I feel I’m ready now to take the next step.”

Kadeer admits he has reaped the benefits of these past three years with the Seconds and seeing players graduate from the Academy into the Seconds and, ultimately the senior side.

He said: “I think the biggest thing for me has been having Kevin Sharp with me as well, someone with so much experience, playing and coaching for 40 plus years.

“Having him next to me, bouncing ideas off, and having loads of conversations about how to deal with certain situations has been excellent.

“Obviously, the players that come through the Academy, that come into the Seconds environment, which as a club we like to promote, working with them, looking for some talent that is potentially out there as well, and also the lads who have been left out of the first team, trying to get them back in, it gives you a next wide range of people and players to work with.

“It has been tremendous for me and I’ve absolutely loved it.”

Kadeer made his Worcestershire debut as far back as 1999 and has great affection for the club.

He said: “This is the first club that gave me the opportunity to play professional cricket and for 20 odd years, we’ve always had an Ali associated with the club, whether it’s been myself, Moeen or Kabir. This club means so much to me.

“In those early days, I just remember watching Graeme Hick bat and smashing it all over the place! What a player he was.

“The environment and culture of the club has always been a family one. It’s been amazing.”