worcestershire supporters’ association would like to wish all members and supporters at New Road a happy new year and here is their latest newsletter.
new site for supporters’ association shop
worcestershire supporters’ association’s club shop will have a new home during the 2018 season.
it will be housed in a new structure between the graeme hick pavilion and foley’s coffee house and eatery on the raised platform site previously used by the then club sponsors, arctic spas.
in recent years the association shop has been situated at the back of the basil d’oliveira stand.
the new shop site represents a change of plan.
originally it was hoped to erect a new building on the premier inn side of the ground situated near to the site of the second scoreboard.
but, due to increased costs, the supporters’ association opted to restructure their plans.
they have worked in recent months in close contact with the then county chief executive tom scott over this project until he stood down from the post.
details relating to the actual structure of the building and the costs are currently being finalised.
tom scott joins association committee
former worcestershire ccc chief executive tom scott has become a member of the worcestershire supporters’ association committee.
tom, 58, stood down at the end of december from his ceo role at New Road after nearly two years in the post.
but he was delighted to accept the offer to link up with the supporters’ association with whom he enjoyed an excellent working relationship in his previous role.
tom scott said: “the supporters’ association have a key role to play at the county and have funded many important projects – some of them in my time as ceo.
“i quickly struck up a good relationship with an organisation whose committee members all have the good of the club at heart and are keen to help whether financially viable.
“to be asked to join their committee was a great honour and i hope i can use my experience and know how to good effect and it is also good to maintain links with a club which is close to my heart.”
association chairman andrew jenkins said: “for tom to now join our committee is a big plus for us and he has already had a positive input.”
date finalised for summer lunch…..
worcestershire supporters’ association have finalised the date for their summer luncheon and annual general meeting
it will be staged on sunday, july 22 in the mcminn developments marquee and coincides with the opening day of the specsavers county championship match with somerset.
price details for the luncheon will be announced shortly but guests of association members will, as always, be welcome.
the association’s agm will be held half an hour after the close of play – also in the marquee.
…..and new date for postponed xmas lunch
on the same theme, the rescheduled supporters’ association christmas lunch will take place in the graeme hick pavilion on sunday, february 4 (12.30pm for 1pm start).
the original lunch was scheduled for sunday, december 10 and had to be called off due to the adverse weather conditions.
there are still some places available for association members and their guests who were unable to attend on the original date.
the price – for members and guests – wanting to join into a late festive celebration is £28.
to obtain further information or to book a place, please contact association chairman andrew jenkins on 07582372556 or richard stone on 07974020834.
few copies remaining of association 2018 calendar
we are into the new year but there is still an opportunity to purchase a worcestershire supporters’ association 2018 calendar.
this ever popular item sold out for 2016 and 2017 and there are just a few copies remaining of the latest edition.
copies can be obtained priced £7.50 via committee member dave kennedy, who can be contacted on 07746 833894 or 01386 793212.
cheques for the calendars should be made payable to ‘wccsa’.
association membership
now is the time to renew or take out a supporters’ association membership for 2018.
the price remains unchanged for this year at £5 per annum or £25 for a life membership (aged over 60).
the association currently has 65 annual members and 12 life members.
cheques should be made payable to ‘wccsa’ and sent to chairman andrew jenkins, county ground, New Road, worcester, wr2 4qq
cynthia issues message of thanks as ken mills memorial fund is closed
the memorial fund set up by the supporters’ association in honour of our late chairman, ken mills mbe, was closed at the end of 2017.
the fund was opened after ken passed away in august 2016 after a lengthy illness following 41 years as association chairman.
he helped to raise hundreds of thousands of pounds which were donated to the cricket club on a host of projects.
now the association memorial fund has closed with a grand total of £73,986 – with all monies raised to be used for a future project for the benefit of all members at new road.
the figure includes a generous legacy of £50,000 left by ken mills to the association.
association president cynthia crawford mbe has issued a message of thanks to everyone who contributed to the memorial fund.
she writes: “a huge thank you to members and friends for all your generous donations to the memorial fund which was opened by the supporters’ association following ken’s passing away in 2016.
“the fund was established to pay a special tribute to ken who was our chairman for over 41 years.
“as many of you will know, he dedicated all his energy, year after year, to ensure funds were raised for the main club and also organised many special events and trips to away games as well as running the association shop.
“in ken’s will, he left an amazing £50,000 to the supporters’ association. this amount will be added to the memorial fund.
“you may rest assured that the association will ensure every penny will be used for future projects which will benefit the main cricket club.”
fifty fifty draw already attracts over 300 members
the supporters’ association’s fifty-fifty competition is already attracting plenty of support for the 2018 season.
chairman andrew jenkins reports that more than 300 people have entered at a cost of £20 per person.
more than 650 people participated during 2017 and the four draws this year will take place on sunday june 24, sunday july 29, sunday august 26 and sunday september 23.
prizes will range at each draw from £50 to £500 and profits from this competition will, as always, go towards the ground improvement fund.
application forms can be obtained from organiser dave kennedy c-o the county ground, New Road, worcester, wr2 4qq with cheques again payable to ‘wccsa’.
warm welcome to matt rawnsley
the supporters’ association are delighted to welcome matthew rawnsley as worcestershire ccc’s new ceo – a position he will officially take up at the beginning of march.
the association are looking forward to enjoying the same positive relationship with matt as was the case with his predecessor, tom scott.
chairman andrew jenkins said: “from day one, tom made it clear he wanted to have a positive relationship with the association.
“he has been a pleasure to deal with during the past two years.
“we are look forward to having a similar and productive relationship with the new ceo in matthew rawnsley.
“it is an excellent appointment and, although many people will remembe matt from his days as a player at new road, his business record is second to none which is great news for the club.”
association send condolences to d’oliveira family after naomi death
association president cynthia crawford has written to shaun d’oliveira offering condolences on behalf of the association after the death of naomi d’oliveira who was married to county legend basil d’oliveira for more than 50 years.
naomi passed away in st. richard’s hospice after a short illness. she was the mother of damian and shaun d’oliveira and grandmother of brett, ryan, dom and marcus d’oliveira.
the funeral will take place at worcester crematorium on friday, january 26 at 10.45am followed by a gathering at new road from 12 noon.
damian, who passed away in 2014, played for the county from 1982-1995 and brett is currently continuing the family’s proud name as a first team regular at New Road.
naomi married basil in 1960, they settled in worcester from 1964 and were together up until his death in november 2011.
she shared in all of basil’s triumphs – including receiving an obe in 1969 and cbe in 2005 – and challenges, most notably the world renowned d’oliveira affair in 1968.
in november solid bronze busts commemorating the lives of basil and damian were unveiled by naomi and tracey d’oliveira – widow of damian – at the d’oliveira foundation’s annual gala dinner.
barclay is cricket society guest speaker
our friends in the cricket society will continue their programme of cricket evenings on tuesday, february 13 with former sussex captain john ‘troutbeck’ barclay the guest speaker in the graeme hick pavilion (7.30pm).
non society members can attend for an admission charge of £3.
former england cricketers and current broadcasters jonathan agnew and david ‘bumble’ loyd will join forces in february for a night of entertainment in malvern.
they will be appearing at the malvern forum theatre on february 7, starting at 7.45.
tickets are already selling well and are available – priced £26 – from the theatre box office on 01684 892277.