Kevin Sharp has first hand knowledge of Joe Leach's captaincy skills – and has faith in the Worcestershire all-rounder to "do a very good job" in the role this summer.
Sharp initially worked with Leach when coach of Shropshire and then as Second Eleven-batting coach at New Road.
He gave Leach the opportunity to be second team skipper during the spell when he was still striving to become a regular first team player.
Stafford born Leach had to deal with some challenging days in that period and Sharp believes those experiences will stand him in good stead.
He said: "What was Joe Leach like as a captain then? He is a good comunicator, is Joe, and he is a very good team man and he is a very honest professional player.
"He had a baptism of fire in the Second Eleven because it didn't go all to plan not to start with.
"We had some difficult days and some below par performances and he had to manage that as a captain.
"He took it in his stride, and his own performances were actually good, and that's what got him in the first eleven and he has kicked on.
"Is he not afraid to say what he thinks? No he is not. He could have been a Yorkshireman, couldn't he! He did spend three years up at Leeds (University).
"He works really hard, he can do all disciplines and do them well, and it is great to see how he has thrived."
Sharp added: "I first met Joe before I came to Worcestershire when he was playing for Shropshire for whom I did some coaching.
"Joe came across as a pro to Worcestershire, played for Shropshire as a pro, very professional the way he went about his task.
"I was very impressed with him and, of course, now to see him break through into the first eleven and become the established player he is, with the performances he has put in, is great to see.
"I'm just delighted for him. I'm sure he has got all the support of everyone here and I'm sure he will do a very good job."