Worcestershire CCC have sold out of their Super Early Bird tickets for the legends concert head-lined by UB40 at New Road on September 10.
But Early Bird tickets are now available at £45 per ticket and will be available through July.
And the County are anticipating a late rush for tickets for a bill also featuring Lulu, Lighthouse Family, M People, Alexander O'Neal and the Real Thing.
Worcestershire General Manager Jon Graham said: "The Super Early Bird tickets were £40 and they have all been sold and the Early Bird ones are now on sale at £45.
"The concert is three months away. We are happy with where we are with the ticket sales. The Super Early Bird tickets were a massive success and they've all gone.
"We expect the next surge of tickets in July so we will certainly keep the £45 tickets until then.
"We are working with Worcester City Council to promote it and details will be going out in the City Life magazine to 40,000 households.
"I believe come the end of August it will be the hottest ticket in town and we will do a lot of business in the last two or three weeks.
"I think we will have a rush, a lot of people who probably want to buy on the day. We are absolutely on track to where we thought it would be."
Graham expects concerts at New Road to become a regular event.
He said: "This year is going to be the start of something we do every year concert-wise. There are no two ways about that.
"We are already looking at what we can do next year.
"This venue has got something no other venue has got, and I'm not just talking about this county. There are a few iconic ones in London like Hyde Park.
"I think the backdrop is a real selling point to the artists that come."