the new season is still a fortnight away but worcestershire supporters’ association are delighted to report more than 400 members have already entered their ever popular fifty-fifty competition for 2018.
association chairman andrew jenkins is confident last summer’s membership tally of 660 will be surpassed in a competition where – as always – all profits go towards the ground improvement fund.
the four draws will take place on sunday june 24, sunday july 29, sunday august 26 and sunday september 23 in which the prizes will range from £50 to £500 for each draw.
it costs £20 to enter – the same fee as in 2017 – and application forms can be obtained from committee member dave kennedy c-o the county ground, New Road, worcester, wr2 4qq or downloaded via the worcestershire ccc website.
anyone wanting to enter the competition should make cheques payable to the worcestershire county cricket supporters’ association (wccsa).
jenkins said: “to have reached the 400 members mark before the season starts is very encouraging and we will be looking to move past last summer’s membership figure.”
the 2018 prize structure will be:
first prize – £500
second prize – £250
third prize – £200
fourth-eighth prizes – £100
ninth-12th prizes – £50
the supporters’ association have finalised the prices for their summer luncheon which is being held in the mcminn developments marquee on sunday, july 22 – the opening day of the specsavers county championship match with somerset.
it will cost £25 for association members and £27.50 for their guests – the same prices as 12 months ago.
tickets can be purchased from the new association club shop – situated between the hick pavilion and foley’s – on match-days or by downloading the application form on the worcestershire ccc website.
the association’s agm will be held 10 minutes after the close of play – also in the marquee.
now is the time to renew or take out a supporters’ association membership for 2018.
the price remains unchanged for this year at £5 per annum or £25 for a life membership (aged over 60).
cheques should be made payable to ‘wccsa’ and sent to chairman andrew jenkins, county ground, New Road, worcester, wr2 4qq